A sign of hope

Felt emotionally drained most of the day. After yesterday it's not surprising. But it could have been so much worse. M is feeling ok. He managed to get  a long phone call with our GP and he is going to see her for a thorough check up on Tuesday. 

I took Fletch out for a walk and within 10 minutes he began staggering and his eyes were flickering. We sat on the banking and I cuddled him and tried not to cry. In between these episodes he is so happy and full of energy It is distressing to see him like this. 

Working on the theory it is best to be proactive rather than reactive I phoned the vet and had a chat. She has prescribed antibiotics as it may be an inner ear infection. The antibiotics may also help clear up the skin infection on his paws. 

I had a stroll outside and saw the rainbow and felt happier. 

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