
By LauraMR

Punizione Divina

Just over 12 hours and divine punishment for the election result has already arrived.

Even my small village (which has been Lega Nord traction for a decade) has converted to Melonism...and the hay bales have spontaneously caught fire! (extra photo)

I voted, as always, for the Left, for the Democratic Party to be precise (since the 5-star Movement also presents itself as a progressive force...), even if I had to hold my nose because Letta's leadership was the ugliest ever: now we are no longer the workers' party, but the radical chic party thanks to him! Fortunately, he will not be re-nominated for the next congress!

If only these idiots of PD, 5S and Calenda-Renzi had come together as it was assumed at the beginning, today we would have a very different government...even if it probably would have lasted a year at most...the progressive forces can't even make the best of a bad situation to get votes, they are too self-centered.

While the three center-right parties (Meloni, Salvini and Berlusconi) hate each other behind the scenes, but do not show it to the voters. However, the real challenge for Meloni comes now: to prevent the other two from eroding her from the inside. Good luck!

And as Renzi said, do not worry dear Giorgia, governments in Italy last only two years before being thrown down!

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