
By LauraMR

Helianthus (Girasole a foglia stretta)

I had said that I would continue to use Blipfoto from time to time, using it as a kind of diary of more or less interesting events. I didn't think it would become a succession of sensational bad news!

The last post was about the spontaneous burning in the field behind the house at the election of the post-fascists, and this one...

In a nearby farmhouse, when the milker went to the stables this morning he discovered a heifer stabbed a dozen times and then slaughtered, two more dead and about twenty injured heifers and calves.

A horrible thing. Poor cows. Something that has never happened here.

In the local social pages the most probable hypotheses are of a sort of revenge towards the owners (economic, probably). The satanic rite is not carried out like this (and there are no such 'adepts' in the Lodi area, more in the Turin area...), but I would not exclude the young pr**ks, who are becoming more and more aggressive and who are already throwing large stones down from the overpasses: they didn't kill anyone, only wounded them, but especially towards animals they could show even less humanity. 

Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.

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