I had luck and uploaded a new blip

Yesterday Kate and I hung out in an Airbnb that kindly let us in early until I went mad and walked in the wind for a few hours. Now Kate and I are hanging out at a rest stop, sans facilities, until someone in charge tells the policeman to let us all through. We are here with about 30 other cars and we’ve all been here for hours. We are all on our cell phones or watching movies on ipads. Every single car that arrives sends someone to talk to the policeman. Every once in a while someone issues the right incantation and gets permission to pass.

With luck we will get to pass and Kate and I can post something more interesting.

At 3:45 they finally opened the road….. west.  Who needs the ring road anyway? We are going back to Hella. If we’d waited we’d still be in that parking lot. It is now 5 pm and still closed east. We have a new place to stay on Hella and we will enjoy the hell out of the south west of Iceland.


It isn’t that I hadn’t thought of going back west if the road opened on that side and not the east. It isn’t that I wouldn’t have gotten there mentally eventually. But thank goodness for Kate because she got there instantly and we left as soon as the road to the west opened. The road to the east … it is midnight, it is open now, but as of 7:30 it still wasn’t. 

We are back in Hella. I don’t know which to choose. 

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