Winter is on the way..................

OMG, isn't it cold? First thing this morning I went for my walk and my human was wearing a fleece and an anorak. And the wind?.................. OMG, it's been windy today.

Today Ann said, 'Trixie, we are not going to fritter the day away. We must be positive and do constructive stuff.' Mmmmm............ I like it when we just fritter the day away because it means that my human spends the whole time with me.

After we'd had breakfast, we went to the 'Range' in Penzance because my human needed to buy 'essential' items. Don't ask me what the 'essential' items were, because she didn't tell me.

By 9.45am we were at the start of our walk from Marazion to Perranuthnoe and back. Best laid plans and all that................ We walked through the fields to Perranuthnoe and then started to walk along the coastal path, when guess what happened?...................... There was a big sign that said, 'Coastal path closed due to erosion'. So that was the end of that. We just went back to the car and came home. Boohoo.................

However, my human didn't waste her time. She repainted our parking post. (see extras).

This afternoon after my human had watched an hour of 'Classic Eastenders' we went to Gwithian Dunes so that I could have another run about. It wasn't cold, but it was really, really windy. My human had to wear her anorak and her fleece. And my fur was getting blown around and my ears were getting blown inside out. BUT, I had the bestest time ever because guess what lives on the dunes?.................... Bunnies. Yay!

…............And then guess what happened on the drive home?...................a flashing red oil can popped up on our car dashboard. What the f*** does that mean? Ann has googled and she's tried to contact a couple of mechanics but obv nowhere is open now.

Looks like tomorrow is going to be spent sorting out car problems.................... Oh well, ho hum, at least I've had a lovely couple of walks today.

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