
My human is bored! She just doesn't seem to have enough to do here which is why she made Edinburgh our permanent home pre lock down. Most times when she's here she has friends to stay. But not this time. Also, last time we were here, she joined the Leisure Centre for a month and went swimming most days and did a lot of fitness classes. Unfortunately, she's still not feeling 100%, she's been feeling a bit yuk for more than 3 weeks now so doing my walks uses up all of her energy, so she has none left to do swimming or fitness classes. She just has to have a snooze instead!!!

Today I went for my normal 'first thing in the morning walk'. I go down to the beach for a play and then I walk around town. It's nice! I meet the same people/dogs every day so my human can have a chat and I can have a play with the other doggies.

After I'd had my morning walk, we sat in the sunshine on our very sunny sun terrace and had breakfast. Ann was waiting for 10am so that she could go to Asda and do a supermarket shop. The reason she was waiting until 10am was because she obviously had wine on her shopping list. In Scotland you can only buy alcohol between the hours of 10am – 10pm and she'd forgotten that in England one can buy alcohol at any time of the day of night. It's not like she never drinks wine before 10am??!!  Mini rant coming up........................ The rules re alcohol in Scotland are ridiculous. I often go out on my morning walk at around 8am and there's a very sunny spot outside a coffee shop where 4-5 homeless people congregate first thing in the morning with their cans of lager/cider. They've obviously worked out a way to get their alcohol for first thing in the morning??!! #justsaying

Anyway, because Ann had forgotten that she could have done all her shopping at 9am, we didn't actually go to Asda until about 10.30am. Obv I had to wait in the car and then she took me for a walk along the Hayle Estuary. Look how sunny it was. And the best thing about the 'Asda Hayle Estuary walk' is.................. there's lots of prickly bushes. And what lives in prickly bushes?.................... bunnies. Yay!

And when we got home Mr Sunshine had disappeared and two walks and a supermarket shop had worn Ann out, so she had to have a lie down on her bed.

She's just taken me into the field to play with my ball but after 15 mins I was exhausted. I've spent half an hour lying on the sun terrace guarding it but now I've abandoned it and I'm back in my bed having a snooze.

Oh, and Mr Sunshine has come back out to play. There's a tiny area of our sun terrace which is bathed in sunlight so Ann's going to have a glass of wine and read one of her trashy magazines for half an hour.

Happy Sunday evening peeps. xxx

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