Foreign Mini

Another windy, wet and horrible day.  There has been a few dry spells, even a touch of sunshine, but the rain mostly won.

Up at 5am, and headed out for work after breakfast.  A busy day of flights, I've mostly been meeting and boarding flights.  I got soaked a couple of times while working out on the apron.  Popped by Madeline's while out walkies after work.  Popped down to the KB for a meal this evening, with mam, peerie Brian, cousin Roy and Viveka, a good catchup and plenty to yap about.  Viveka has had more recognition for her and Roy's work with Shaetlan (Shetland) language, UHI is now interested.  More walkies, then feet up.

I meant to snap a photo of our catchup this evening, but was too distracted by tasty food and good conversation.  What did grab my eye attention, was this Mini sitting outside the bar. As you may have gathered, Minis are my all time favourite mode of transport.  Being a Mini from foreign lands, I can only assume it belongs to a visitor, also the Shetland map in the passenger seat suggests that too.  A beautiful and well looked after car.  Taken outside the KB bar, Main Street, Scalloway.  

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