Family Portrait

John's niece, Lindsay, had some family business to do with John this morning so I took advantage of a light moment to snap a picture of them. We haven't seen her for two years, but we are looking forward to seeing more of her in the future as she and her husband and daughter will be moving closer to us.

Gustavo and his cousin showed up this morning to dig out the roots of the streletzia , which were extensive, and move the lemon tree to a new home by the fence next to the fig tree. We're hoping it survives....
It was quite an operation which took them all day. They will be back tomorrow to put all the dirt they dug out back in the hole and top it off with gravel. I don't think there is any way we could have done what they did, and certainly not in a day. They are amazing.

The plan is to make a rock garden, but that is still a work in progress....We've located some good rocks which will have to be transported across town and placed in front of our house. Ridiculous, I know, since we live on top of rock, but we want BIG rocks. The advantage of rocks is that they don't burn, and don't require any water. The disadvantage is that even though the rocks are free, it will be expensive to move them. 

We had lunch at VJB, the Italian winery with the big patio.  The weather was perfect, the food was good and it was a good place to catch up with Lindsay. She may be back next week as the person she and John saw turned out to be the wrong person....

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