
By LuvU2

Zimbabwe Dollar

In this picture: Top Left is a Zim Dollar note to the value of..... brace yourself.... Ten Trillion Dollars and below that a note for Fifty Trillion Dollars. Note the twelve zeros! You can hardly buy a loaf of bread with the 50Trillion!

The three notes on the right are Zambian Kwacha, the top one K500.00, middle one K1,000.00 and bottom one K5,000.00( which equals about US$10.00) and although the country is very poor, the currency is stable and under control.

The exchange rate of the Zimbabwe Dollar/US$ today is US$1.00/Zimbabwe Dollar S$37,456,777.00, that is: Thirty seven million Zim Dollar to ONE US Dollar!

This is the result of one man who governed his beautiful country, which was once called 'The Breadbasket of Africa', into the desperation!!

Please read this, it is MOST INTERESTING!

The Zambia Kwacha, which we got familiar with wile staying in Zambia, is much more stable and traded at about K3800.00 to K5250.00(at todays rate) to the US$ for the past 4 to 5 years.

The South African Rand trade at about R8.50 to the US$ at the moment.

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