This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Thinking of my dear sister in law Julie who passed away this morning after a year with bile duct cancer. Julie, I love you and I am so thankful for your time on the planet and as a member of my family. You brought gratitude, compassion, empathy and a quiet calm. You made us observe the Christmas traditions and helped us to create new ones. You supported me and my art and celebrated so many milestones with me in my life. You loved my brother Ben so completely and brought two brilliant women into the world. I know you changed many people's lives along the way whether as a Peace Corps worker or as a nurse. I will keep exploring, asking questions, traveling and saying yes to life because that is what you always did.

Later in the evening we met up with Meles and DaveH and their friend Malcom and shared grief, drinks and friendship. Thanks to them I also had my first dram of real Scottish whisky as we drank to Julie and DaveH's sister Judith.

53 is too young.

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