New unit and more boxes!

Mr W was up early to go biking with his mates. Which means I was up early to sort Bella out.

I then walked Bella so I could pop out to collect a kitchen island / butchers block thing I found on Marketplace. There's a gap in the new kitchen where we have had an extra socket fitted so this unit can be used as a tea/coffee making area!! Hopefully the unit will fit perfectly if I've done my measurements correctly. Plus a bit of a bargain at £60 compared to £279 new!

Daughter Number 2 then agreed to pop over to help me lift it out the car but Jasper decided to have a mammoth sleep for a change so I ended up just waiting about all day!

I hadn't told Mr W about my island find as I didn't want him saying no!!! You know what us girls are like when we want something!!!! But actually he was fine and said he didn't mind if that's what I really wanted!!! Phew!

Bella has been a bit unsettled watching all the boxes appearing again. She's probably thinking "oh no, not again" !!

Boring picture but its part of my important day!

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