‘My Heart is in Orkney Wherever I Go’

Defying all the odds stacked against us, we managed a swim without rain. It was another choppy sea but slightly less so than yesterday even if the Hamnavoe still had cancelled sailings.The squalls of heavy rain all day have been punctuated by sun and blue skies.

I had a quick turn around and got the bus into Kirkwall and what a delight I found the town to be without hordes of tourists. I’m not sure the shop owners are of the same mind though- it all seemed very quiet. Erlend and I had coffee in an almost deserted Judith Glue shop. Usually there is difficulty getting a seat.

I was aware after I got out of the sea this morning that my left calf seemed to be beset with what felt like constant nettle stings. Aha, I thought a sting from an irate jellyfish, but there seemed to be no red mark. However it was distracting enough for me to speak to the pharmacist who has given me antihistamine tablets and cream. I must admit it’s driving me mad. I feel I’m walking through an endless field of nettles plus there’s an itch for good measure.

I’ve retired to my ringside seat in the flat to watch the weather and the boats returning to harbour, many of them diving related. I don’t suppose you notice the weather deep down in Scapa Flow.

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