I woke up with a cold again and a bad headache.
I rallied enough to be able to teach the women’s yoga class in town. There were 8 in the class today , double the number from last week ! I felt better after the class.
Afterwards we popped over to Mums care home to bring her fresh flowers. I didn’t get to see mum as she was eating, but I spoke to her on the phone in the evening.

Lin the afternoon my partner and I walked around the Crichton grounds enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful trees. The extras were taken in the rock garden.
We had the rest of the delicious veg curry we made yesterday for an early dinner. Made even better by organic yogurt , mango chutney and pickles.
I try and limit the news I watch, but our economy seems to be going from bad to worse :-( .
I keep thinking that I should get a regular job as my income from teaching yoga is so variable. Food and energy prices are rising fast , and my income is not able to keep up.
I do count my blessing though …. that I have a home , warmth , food in my cupboards etc.

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