Yn yr oriel
Yn yr oriel ~ In the gallery
“You can frame a moment. But you can´t frame life.”
—Armin Houman
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Aethon ni i'r pentref i gasglu moddion Nor'dzin. Tra roedden ni'n aros aethon ni i fwyty am bryd o fwyd. Mae'n un o'r lleoedd hynny lle maen nhw'n cael llawer o hen baentiadau a phrintiau ar y wal fel addurniadau. Mae'n ddiddorol i weld nhw. Unwaith y bydden nhw wedi bod llawenydd mawr i rywun, nawr mae ganddyn nhw ail fywyd, a chyfle am fwy o werthfawrogiad.
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We went to the village to collect Nor'dzin's medicine. While we were waiting we went to a restaurant for a meal. It's one of those places where they have a lot of old paintings and prints on the wall as decorations. It's interesting to see them. Once they would have been a great joy for someone, now they have a second life, and a chance for more appreciation.
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