From little acorns....

Our plumber is working away in the annex and the new boiler is installed. New pipework to go in tomorrow. 
Lovely lunch out with Julia and Clare catching up on all the news. 
I've been having interesting exchanges with our electricity and gas provider. They have worked out the new direct debit based on our last 12 months of usage even though I have been telling them we have really changed our behaviour. I did a bill comparison on the number of kilowatts used and for recent months we used 10% less electricity and 30%  less gas than last year. I am hoping the wood burner will also have an impact. Luckily we had built up a credit with them (deliberately) and so will have a payment holiday for the next two months and then will come up with a direct debit based on actual usage for those two months rather than looking at usage a year ago. 

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