By lizzie_birkett

Brontë Parsonage

We made Tonya’s day today by taking them to Haworth to visit the Brontë parsonage museum. She absolutely loves the Brontës and was so happy to be there in the actual house. The church wasn’t open unfortunately but we had a wander around Haworth and Central Park. They loved the whole day.
We found it very interesting too. It’s years since we were there.
The extra is the Church and graveyard where Patrick Brontë - the sisters’ dad was minister.
Brontë wasn’t the original surname. Patrick was born in Ireland with the surname Brunty but when he was educated and went to Cambridge he changed it the more French sounding Brontë.
I think I’ll change my name to Birkettë, see if it gets me anywhere!

Frank and I were exhausted when we got home, all that walking up and down and round and round all day.
Tonya made dinner and now we’re just chilling out.

Poem not finished yet.
Goodnight Blippers ;-) X

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