Old favourite

We often have sausages for Saturday lunch and usually N cooks them. Today I suggested we have an old favourite, Winter Sausage Stew. I used to cook it a lot when the children were at home, and I always used the recipe in this old loose leaf binder. When I was first married I used to take the Good Housekeeping magazine, and every month it had a recipe insert. I ordered the binder and carefully cut them out to save them. Each month there was a different subject, and this recipe appears under the title “Pork and Bacon, the many ways with pig”. I very often resort to this little binder, although it is looking a bit weary after nearly sixty years. I am aware that there are recipes to be found online, and I don’t really need two shelves of recipe books, but there is no way I could abandon treasures like this!
We had our flu jabs at the surgery this morning. It was very organised, and we were in and out in five minutes. So far neither of us have had any side effects.

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