
By TheBigCheese1


….for me to come home.

Long day at ‘work’.  Arrived at the time I had been asked to arrive for and stood around for 20 minutes until someone deigned to let me into the building, although there were many teachers and TAs around who just looked at me through the glass door.  I then had to wait another 10 minutes inside the building for the lady who had to sign me in.  No offer of a seat, no offer of a brew…..I wasn’t even shown where the toilets were!!!  VERY interesting how different schools work and what their ethos’ are - I would have gone absolutely nutty if anyone had arrived at my school and was treated as badly as this.

The kids were nice, the staff were nice - just nobody knew what they were doing, what I was supposed to be doing and I didn’t get a drink all day.  What larks!

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