
By TheBigCheese1

A day out.

I was supposed to spend the day with my mum on Monday but had to cancel due to feeling so rough and not spreading any germs to her.  We rearranged for today.  When the supply agency rang up I said I couldn’t go in today due to prior commitments - not letting my mum down for a school where I wasn’t offered a brew!  Priorities and all that!

First job was to travel to Ashton to go to the bank as there is no branch now where my mum lives.  After walking to where the branch should be, it has now closed down!  My mum couldn’t understand why they hadn’t personally informed her.  I was just glad she was with me in a car and not just got off a bus after a long journey.  Back to the car and we travelled to the next nearest branch in Oldham!!!

Back to Ashton to visit IKEA.  Lovely lunch and white chocolate cheesecake - mmmmmm!  Mum’s list of things she required got longer as we walked around, but she had had enough when we finally paid.  The big M&S next door will have to wait for another time.

Back home and managed to pick The Dopski up at the bottom of the hill up to our house, so she was pleased!  Tea of chicken stuffed with leeks and cheese alongside roasted potatoes and carrots, all done in the air fryer, with a peppercorn sauce.

Early to bed as it is day two at ‘work’ tomorrow.

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