Non-native reptile

Spotted on Kinder Road, Hayfield this morning.

We walked Bowden Bridge to the Reservoir gates and met a number of people unfamiliar with the area and set them on their way.  The weather was poor but improving and they probably had a good time.  Some appeared to have no idea where they were going but couple number 1 had the right idea, the lady had gloves (which encouraged me to wear some) she was travelling light but there was plenty of gear on the man’s back and he had a proper paper map folded to the wrong side (they always are) which he soon sorted as they set off.   

The next group were, we suspect, mother, daughter and baby in pack, well equipped and had a route map on their phone, we had a nice chat and managed to get them on the correct side of the reservoir. 

The next couple with an excited puppy smelling new smells leading the way. They were unusual in worrying whether they were allowed to walk the reservoir road - we thought we were the last people in the world that worried about not obeying the rules :-)
They were going the wrong way but certainly knew they were doing the Kinder round so got them back on track we pointed out the Sandy Heys way up. They seemed confident that it would always be easy to see the path (this as the cloud covered the top ) so I said when you get the top stay on the path on this edge then don’t leave it ( There be dragons to the left!) and I mentioned two ways down to the Tunstead farm return.  I am sure they would have been OK and have lots of fun but I doubt they will know where they have been.

Turning for home we were briefly overtaken by a mountain biker who was full of energy but stopped and said I’m a bit lost where is this road going ?
- Hayfield was our reply and it was obviously satisfactory as he said thanks and set off again like a rocket.

We sit at home worrying most days so it was marvellous to meet so many people enjoying life.

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