Back To School
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,
It was my first day back in the office today, 931 days after the last time I was there. Well, not there exactly - in the old office which has since been closed, but you know what I mean.
It was good and odd in equal measure. It felt like a first day of school and I was quite nervous. The new office is very swanky. We have a kitchen area on every floor. There are proper exercise and rooms and a zen garden on the top floor! It was nice to actually see people. It’s so much quicker and easier to grab people* round a desk to discuss issues than on Teams calls but everyone mentioned how noisy it seems after so long working at home. There are single working spaces in tiny rooms that can be booked if it all gets too much - complete with mood lighting!
The Boss is initially going to suggest a day every fortnight which sounds good. It will be nice to have a change of scene but I’ll still be able to keep on top of the washing!
*not literally. We are IT professionals!
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