Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Still a bit cold

But the tables look really nice! And next week the weather will be warmer so these places will be occupied, of that I'm almost certain. :)
I arrived on time at the café for the 'coffee with photo friends', but no one else had arrived. At first I thought no one else would come, because the answers in the blogs (that announces time and date and also place for these events) had been a bit vague on the 'I'm coming' part. Thankfully I got company a few minutes later. :) While I was waiting I saw these tables and (obviously) took a photo.
As usual the time at the café was really nice! Lots of laughs and giggles and a lot of talking about photography. I was a bit reluctant to go and stayed longer then I thought. It's so nice to be amongst friends. :)

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