
By LadyPride

Mary Bloody Poppins

There's a scene in Broadchurch (am now five episodes in and loving it) where Danny's Mum - on discovering her husband's affair - goes into a rant.... "Fifteen years I've been picking up after you. Washing, folding and putting things back then doing the whole bloody thing over and over again the next day. Like I'm on a bloody hamster wheel." Found myself cheering at the scene today.

Housework before a baby was bad enough but one small addition to the family seems to have added a colossal amount of new chores. My least favourite being cleaning up after her feeds. I sweep and wipe, sweep and wipe ad nauseum but the floor around her high chair seems to be permanently crunchy under foot. I feel like Mary bloody Poppins.

My husband slept off his night shift most of the morning and bizarrely Audrey also had a two hour morning nap so I had the house to myself which was wonderful. I did some work, wrapped up some eBay stuff, made a cuppa and wrote a shopping list undisturbed.

Sadly Audrey did not wake up to be the refreshed, happy baby I'd hoped for.

We all decided to head down to the food show at Media City (see pic of the Camp Cooks amazing airstream trailer) but ended up grabbing coffees and jumping in a taxi back after only being there a short while as she was cranky as hell.

The Audrey rolodex of possible causes was skimmed through as per - Teething? Growth spurt? Ill? Reflux? We are non the wiser but she was challenging today I know that much.

My husband seemed happy to go to work tonight and all but skipped out the door. Can't blame him. Would have swapped places with him if I could have.

Most of the street heard me drying Audrey after her bath. And you would have though she was being murdered the racket she made. Poured myself a cold glass of rose after she was in bed. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down eh Mary?

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