
By scharwenka

Wrong Colour!

There is a patch of waste ground near our house where we have previously found a mass of violets at about this time of year. So we went to have a look this evening.

Very hard to see anything violet coloured (other than weeds). but a mass of primroses somewhat compensated. Are we too early in this cold spring, or too late? (The earlier BlipFoto entry was for 12 February a couple of years ago, when the snowdrops were in full vigour). Still, there are violets blooming now in the scruffy grass verge by the bus stop on the opposite side of the main road. Any reports of violet sightings gratefully received!

So why not catch a bus? We got a couple of miles up the road, as far as the Gurkha Village Nepalese Restaurant to buy some tasty take-away and unusual oriental food. For those who know the area, even if only vaguely, the Nepalese operation has taken over the old Squire Bassett pub, previosuly a rather rambling establishment.

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