Rainbow belt

Lincoln got this belt for his birthday last year and it was one of his favourite gifts. He's not wore jeans in quite a long time so I was surprised when he came downstairs in jeans today.  I think he looks handsome but I'm biased . 

I had a better sleep in my chair last night which was great but I have felt pretty sore today.  But I made a point to pop in and see Joan this morning.  She's not been well for over 2 weeks and her doctor practice is awful.  And she really needs to have tests run, especially a colonoscopy in my opinion.  Xander came with me so she could see a friendly face. 

Xander has been absolutely brilliant helping with jobs around the house. I got the 3 bigger wildlings to help pair up all the socks from the basket this morning and he was the only one that didn't moan. Harp helped tidy the playroom.  

We had a quick visit to nana and grandads as that's the wildlings  Saturday routine but I've been lying down since we came home. Xander snapped this photo of me and the jedi when he was playing games on my phone. It's not a great photo but I love it as its not a selfie and no-one ever takes photos of me and the wildlings.  

Mr R is going to go and pick up a chippy for family dinner. It went well the last time and the wildlings ate every single piece of food. Looking at the photo of Carson chewing his feet you would think he was starving.  Ha 

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