Plant on plant
Shadows stretch. Falling
from plant leaves to plant pot as
on the moon's surface.
Funny day. Bit of a long story. Could come under the 'too much information' category... :-D Yesterday I was using a cotton bud in my ear (admittedly, not as advised by the medical community) when it became very scratchy so I removed it, to find it was now just a stick and not a cotton bud anymore :-/ This caused some concern. I tried to video my own ear with my phone - this was not successful! I asked Mr KCNQ2Haiku to have a peek. Nothing was visible but it did feel funny. I did what you do.. and googled it. This was mildly reassuring. There was a lot of information about what to do if you have an insect in your ear (water or olive oil apparently will maybe flush it out.. you're welcome) but these solutions are not recommended for something that might 'expand'. There was some suggestion that gravity might assist if you shake your head and tip it on one side. Whilst helpful, these are not activities that promote the dignity of the sufferer. I opted to sleep on my left side and see how it was in the morning. It was no better. I did a GP request but they said it had to be urgent care centre as they don't have the right 'equipment'. Sigh. So I trotted off. There's a suprising number of people you have to explain yourself to at Urgent care. The lady on the door, the receptionist, the triage nurse and of course the doctor. Not at all embarrassing. I felt like a toddler that had stuck lego up my nose.
Anyway, in equal parts amusingly and frustratingly, the doctor announced there is nothing in my ear. He asked me if I was sure it had been in there. Well yes. He doubled checked. Still not there. He offered, unconvincingly, that maybe it had fallen out.. Oh well, I felt like an idiot but at least there's nothing in my ear :-D
That's probably the most exciting thing that happened today.
Photo is the shadow of a plant falling on the plant pot next to it. I rather liked it.
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