Morning Wee (Leo's not mine)

Deep, dark favourite tree,
mystical before first light.
Wise and all knowing.

After the hope that came with increasing Ben's medication yesterday, he was awake at 3:30am today.  Sigh.  Hopefully it's a coincidence but it's not a good start.  I had woken at 2am to write lists in my head (is it just me that does that??) and I had just worn myself out with it and was about to doze back off when Ben woke, initially for a wee but then he couldn't settle.  I gave up at 4:30am and he had his iPad, at which point I did then go back to sleep but the alarm went off at 5:30am to take Mr KCNQ2Haiku to the station for his latest London trip.  Not the best night, overall.  But in fairness Ben was not angry or difficult and I did get to see this slightly ethereal scene when I took Leo for his first wee!  I love this tree at the end of our road, I think I've blipped it before, it must have been here before the houses, when it was all farm land, it sits in the corner of someone's garden, as though it could 'belong' to someone but it's seen it all and I'm pretty sure it tries to impart wisdom every time I walk past.  I'm not noticeably wiser yet but we've only lived here 10 years and you have to give these things time!
In other news, it's been a slow day (can you tell??!) I took the dog for a nice long walk, he scampered, that's always fun.  He saw some squirrels, I held him back. Carnage was averted.
I did some prep for Ben's NHS continuing care assessment tomorrow, went through the decision tool and care domains etc, trying to think how to best present his case.  
But I did take 20 minutes with my book, so that felt a bit luxurious.
Fetched Ben, he had a mini wobble when he got in the car but overall it was a fairly tame pick up and then home to hoover the car.  There's always something to hoover.
I'm bath monitor so that's all for today folks.

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