
By Flossmo

An apple a day

It's been another quiet day. I spent the morning pottering around the house and garden. I decided to lift my tomato plants and have put the remaining green tomatoes onto the window sill hoping that they will ripen. Tomorrow I will reuse the empty pots for planting some Spring bulbs.

This afternoon I did a 90 minute walk in the local area with one of my walking buddies. We are both keen to lose a few pounds so we put quite a few ups and downs into the route. It was a gorgeous day of blue sky and sunshine and we were pleased to make use of it. Rain is forecast before the end of the week.

Sky continues to do well. She went to the vet's for a check up this evening and all seems to be okay. We are getting into a routine with the medication. I think the liquid anti-inflammatory dripped onto the Dreamies works so well and I think Sky now knows that if we get the antibiotic tablet in first then the Dreamies will soon follow. Just a question of getting the cat to understand the drill. She learns quickly (she is probably saying the same about me!).

Today's blip is one of a bowl of cooking apples given to me by a colleague from the printmaking studio. She has a surfeit apparently and has kindly offered some to myself and some of the other studio users. They are huge and great quality. I like to bake them in the microwave with a bit of muesli in the hollowed out centre. Delicious and a wonderful share.         

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