From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

To Ken..

One of the three floral tributes to Ken today. Perfect for the musician that he was.

The two services were both wonderful, and spoke so much of Ken’s life of commitment to everything he did, and to his Christian faith. As always at these times, we learnt a lot more than we ever knew of him.

As a civil engineer, two of his projects were the now Tate Modern Gallery and the tube connection at London Bridge Station. As the project lead of our new church building back in 1971, he negotiated the last fixed price contract.

He was our church organist for 60 years, a massive railway enthusiast, a bus journey and time tables expert, and a very reliable human Satnav!

He sang in and conducted The Hayes Philharmonic choir for 40 yrs and was a member of Bromley & Croydon Organist Association for 50 yrs.

All this and yet Ken was a very quiet man, offering all he had by way of his gifts, to the service of others, giving all his talents back to the one who had given them to him.

Mavis will miss him muchly. Today she will surely have been so proud and grateful to God for her husband of 48 years.

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