
By AnnieBScotland


I had my first hot tub experience about 6pm yesterday. I chose this shot because it is the best one of the birthday girl, second right, even though it looks as though all I am interested in is the prosecco (I'm far left)

After a hilarious evening of games, including charades, we stayed up till well after midnight so Winnie could open her presents, which meant a late start to today. by the time we'd had bacon sandwiches, fruit and yoghurt it was almost midday! One of the party was having an archery session so I decided to wait and go for a swim after we'd watched her make a start and I am SO glad I did. at 1.30 I had the pool completely to myself!!! it was wonderful, and the steam room had eucalyptus in the steam - utter bliss!

All of the columns, beams and lower walls of the building are all tree trunks - this must have been a dense pine forest cut down and the trees used.

I'm writing this at just after 3pm, with a lovely relaxed glow, before heading back to the lodge for a snack and possibly a snooze! we are having a birthday dinner in the restaurant here tonight at 7.30 and home tomorrow morning.

I hope to have time to catch up with journals in the next few days.

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