Bright light city…….

What a great end to a great week here I. Singapore. Working week anyway.

Into our Singapore office first thing before 4 of us darted away for a morning of F2F meetings with a global customer I look after HQ’ed in Paris. First time to South East Asia though.

Meetings all went well. Even managed the cultural seating arrangements to make sure I was sitting facing the right person. All quite important you know.

We then went for a lunch at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club. It was a fabulous setting but food wasn’t great.

Back to office for the afternoon then we had a team dinner at an authentic Indonesian restaurant which was amazing.

Then had an 11km walk to walk it off.

Finished the evening with a couple of beers back at the hotel. The young team were all going out for the evening. If only I was 20 years younger……

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