Where did the day go

Decided that I would order a new mobile today. Contract up with BT but all new ones are with EE. They said it would be easy, it wasn’t. I tried to do it on line, then called and after 45 minutes on the call, giving all my details he put me on hold for two minutes and after 20 listening to dreadful music I hung up.
When I called back two hours later a nice lady said he hadn’t completed the order and I would not be getting delivery tomorrow. Anyway she said she had sorted it and the phone would arrive Monday and everything would be sent via email, two hours ago and still no email.
Shopping in Hexham this morning, hubby got a new jumper, I got a book from Oxfam. Waitrose shop done. Got wet walking round but dry by the time we headed home. Wanted to get a flower blip but realised it was dark out so used a shot I took from the car, not driving, on the way out of the village this morning.
Cottage cosy warm now. Not done steps today but knee does feel better for it.

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