Wellness Walks BDO Langdale#2

Despite how wonderful it was that they showed up and walked in awful conditions it irked me a little that I took the Wellness Walkers to one of the most beautiful places on earth a fortnight ago and they didn't get to see it.
So this week we went back.
Despite a grim start.... 
.... Great Langdale lived up to its name :-)))

Philosophy Friday
If someone is falling behind in life, you don't have to remind them. Believe me, they already know.
If someone is unhealthy, they know. If someone is struggling in their relationships, with money, with self image, they know.
It's what consumes their thoughts each day.

What you need to do for those who are struggling is not to reprimand, but encourage. Tell them what's good about their lives, show them the potential that you see.


When we can't see clearly for ourselves, we need others to speak greatness over us. People don't need you to tell them what's wrong with their lives, they already know.

They need you to reassure them that they can still make it right

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