Nailed it

I have followed Brian Bilston for several years, he is a funny poet and great wordsmith.  He has got it absolutely right with this offering, but sadly I don’t know what the alternative is?

Today started with BP although I hesitated whether to go as I still don’t feel 100% but hopefully sweated out the remaining germs, so pleased I went.

Home for quick shower and change and F came for coffee.  I had baked some fruit shortbread but they looked a bit uninspiring (I think I put too much fruit and it burned?).  She was chatty as ever - I said probably one word to her 20 or 30!! But it was good to see her and hear her news.

I had then scheduled a call with L but as I had already sat for a couple of hours I was cold, so wrapped myself in a blanket for another hour chat!  K has decided not to come on our girls holiday next year so will by just the two of us again, planning now starting in earnest.

OH home from golf and he lit the fire and researched a hotel for next week. Meanwhile I finished off the Quince Jelly which set perfectly but didn’t really taste of much?  So have decided to reboil it tomorrow and add some chilli to spice it up a bit!  

Good Friday.

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