A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


These are some flowers I rescued from the garden the other day when I was doing some cutting back. I was going to take a picture of them for Flower Friday but then saw my horses. I’m glad I waited as they’ve opened a bit more now, they are Grace roses and Cosmos.

A day if very mixed weather. I was up early to make cheese scones for the church coffee morning and I saw the back garden was bathed in a strange light. Went to the door to see the sunrise and although it was a nice sky it was also raining.

After last months unexpected success for our return to coffee mornings we were very disappointed today. We’d been worried about not having enough helpers but tended up having virtually more helpers than customers today! Maybe the nuisance traffic lights right outside the church had something to do with it. We’ll have to think seriously about whether to continue monthly or maybe just have them now and then.

Spent the afternoon working on getting my knitting finished hoping to take it with me as I return to the SW tomorrow.

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