Further my skills

By H0tamer

Derelict or not

I have seen this shed before, but never went inside. Too many plants in my way.
Today I noticed a possibility to get closer, so of course I went.
The shed looks derelict, if you look at the roof and the walls. And it is overgrown from usually all side.
But today the entrance was free. And to my big surprise the inside, as you can see in the extra, looks pretty well maintained. Or at least not (too) old. By the way, also the downpipe at the right hand side of the entrance seems pretty new. Hm, but a barn for what? There is no field close by. Sheep? Or half-tame roe deer (kidding). Goats? I will have to return mid-winter and have a look.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting.

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