
By Shutterup


... and bountiful. The last of the apples from our garden tree.. and delicious they are too!
It has been a day of creating.. from quince to use up the last of them with my eldest daughter.  I have made a quincemas cake... do hope it will taste delicious.. there is extra chunky quince jam in process as well as some quince vinegar and some chutney and some ratafia or spiced quince gin!! 
In the process of making the quincemas cake we found some 11 year old damson gin and decided since it was saturday we didn't need another excuse to have a lunchtime tipple... delicious!!
I also managed to progress my upcycled parcel box.. learning new skills with an electric drill and screwing it up all together.  Quite pleased to see it with a base and some sides. The other two sides are on their way but we needed to be creative to get those made as we are short of the tongue and groove.  results in extras

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