The wee speuggie.
An overcast, showery and windy day. I was glad to get a blip of a sparrow early on. The whole gang had turned up and were ousting the goldfinches who have it their own way up till now. My new sheet and duvet cover where delivered first thing too and I was very tempted to try them out but resisted. Put clothes to wash and did some tidying before settling to read the news and do puzzles. Why I read the news I know not as it seems to change direction every five minutes. Later I did some dusting and also some knee exercises. These were quite painful but I've found them very effective in the past and there was a slight improvement after just one session. They only get done three times a week with three days having a short walk and one day a rest day. Hopefully they will reduce the pain and get me a little more active again. Was just getting off the sofa to start dinner when skeins of geese began to fly over. There must of been hundreds on their way to Loch Leven where most of them overwinter. It's always lovely to see them arrive.
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