
This is a display in John Lewis, there was also a small one for Divali which is coming up too. I’m not in favour of all the commercialisation connected with Halloween, it was never a ‘thing’ when I was young and I don’t like the practice of children knocking on doors for sweets etc. It may sound a bit bah humbug!

I’m not sure how often the Emma Bridgewater mugs in the foreground would be used? For a few days a year?

I was in the USA one year at Halloween and there were some lovely displays outside houses on their doorsteps etc.

I was surprised that although the car park in JL was pretty full at 1.30 by 3.00 it had hardly any parked cars and I was the only one walking in the lower car park, no one else in sight. I can’t  remember the last time that happened. 

Really quite warm today..18C.

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