The Pear Tree

It has taken less than a week for the nodule buds of the pear tree to open and flower. The tree isn't in the garden but sits on the fence line but is as near as I have to having one. When I moved in there was nothing other than mustard, nettles and comfrey. The comfrey isn't blocking 14 which doesn't self seed. Beautiful as it is will plague me forever! I've planted a mulberry, which given the exposure this garden has to the elements will probably struggle to survive, but has plump buds forming now, and an olive that is doing very well. Neither are adapt to position in less than sheltered areas but they were presents and gratefully received. A Mimosa is still in a pot since March and I need to think well where to position it.

The farmer has done long overdue repairs to the fencing and I am expecting a herd of young steers to fill the field in the next few days. The garden has to be cow friendly so I can't plant anything on the boundary unless the fence is raised. In the choice between an open view and an ugly fence, I've preferred the scenic option.

I'm really enjoying my gardening at the moment. Things are starting to look so much better, even if I do have some regrets about having to remove most of the nettles. They are home to so many creatures.

I could have held out to get a prime shot of the newts in the pond... but the snooker is addictive!

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