Marketing Trays

We are still both under the weather and only managed a short day.

I had been stressing over taking this delivery with the new one way system.Still we managed to get the wagon pulled in along the front and just allow enough room for other wagons to pass.

In the picture are our marketing trays for next Spring.Just over twelve thousand to top up what we already have on stock.These are all black plastic which are recyclable but not at kerbside.We have found the recyclable grey ones to only last for one use.The black ones we ask the garden centres and shops to return to us then they go through our washing plant and we can reuse them four or five times which I think must be more environmentally friendly.

Em and Rick are home from New York and it sounds like they have had a fantastic time.Had a good catch up.

Becky feeling much better and came around for tea.A nice evening catch up.

Very warm almost a summers day feel.

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