Etched church window

Today we met up with my brother and his wife and had a nice pub lunch. We then went to Moreton Church which I have visited several times before,  to look at the amazing etched glass windows. During WW2 a bomb fell in the churchyard and this completely destroyed part of the wall of the church and all the then stained glass windows. In 1950 the church was restored and over a period of about forty years the late Sir Lawrence Whistler produced new etched windows. He is the brother of the painter Rex Whistler.
Each window is quite different and there is a handy leaflet to tell you about them all.he centre part of this window depicts the harvest from the sea and the land. Each time I visits I spot new aspects. They also look good from outside too.

More shenanigans from the government today…when will this fiasco end? 10% inflation….we certainly noticed the increase in prices in the pub at lunchtime since our last visit in August. It was not very busy today either!

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