
By airedaleknitter

Hot water bottle

To ease my aching legs!

My lack of exercise since getting Covid is showing in my legs now they have been walked on!

I was totally oblivious to how desperate the bus service is in and out of our village.

This morning I checked the times and as all the buses are clustered together non of them really suited to I walked again. Walking downhill is much easier on the lungs but not the legs!

I investigated bus timetables and worked out a plan so I could do the head massage client this evening . I left work an hour early, walked to Bingley, and got the bus up the hill . Said bus arrived on time but had to slam on to stop and overshot the bus stop. I wasn’t the only one getting on it. I bought a day rover so I could use it in both directions to my evening job.

Nipped home, fed the dog, got changed and got to the bus stop ten minutes earlier than the timetable said. Looked at the bus stop sign to text the number to check if it was on time. Bus comes whizzing past (9 minutes earlier than due ) and doesn’t stop. Text comes back that the next bus was in 54 minutes.

Rang my client and cancelled. Walked home , cried into my coffee and then took Reggie out for a walk..

Spoke to Mr H who is going to be in Penrith until at least Friday.

Spent the next hour trying to work out how I
Can get to work and the dentist tomorrow without walking all of it and still having enough time at work to do everything I have to do. I have the bus times but don’t know if I can trust them, or if the bus will stop at the bus stop.

Think I need to change my blip
Name to Victor Meldew!

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