Wednesday: The ‘Wine Cellar’

We had a team mental health awareness session this morning.  It was absolutely fascinating, but not in a particularly good way.  

Mental health isn’t really discussed here at all and the facilities aren’t good.  That was reflected in today’s discussion.  It was run by two nurse practitioners and at various points we were discussing the merits of alcohol, gambling, marijuana and sex as coping mechanisms.  We very briefly touched on healthy eating but ‘it’s boring so you might not want to try it’……..

On another note we’ve inherited a ‘wine cellar’ with the house.  For Queen and country we tried a bottle last night as we’re a bit concerned some of it is below standard.  And how right we were.  We tried a 2017 bottle that, on googling, cost about $7.00 - it was like drinking fermented sherry through an old sock whilst wearing a wooly balaclava.  Not something that we’ll be able to serve.

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