
By NightOwl45

Dreich Day for a Downing Street Departure

I shouted “Yeeeeessssss!” at the telly like an enthusiastic football supporter when it was announced that Truss was resigning at lunchtime. I had nipped out for some milk and bird seed and returned to see the lectern positioned outside 10 Downing Street - again! Here we go, I thought…

At least she jumped before she was pushed. I think she’s made the right call - shame about the six weeks of U-turns and utter chaos. Sadly, she’ll go down in history for all the wrong reasons. I hear that there will be a new PM within the week -  much as I don’t want a Tory government or PM, I hope it’s Penny Mordaunt. 

I think she comes across as as a unifier and might at least bring some much needed stability and a degree more certainty until we hopefully get this shambolic Tory government out of power!

I had a few comments on my blog yesterday along the lines of not wasting my energy on politics and I take your point. However, I think one of the most dangerous things in this world is getting apathetic about anything - especially politics.

Today’s Blip is a quick snap I took in the dreich rain. A bit blurry but I think it still looks beautiful.

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Thursday, thanks for all your comments, stars and follows :)

Need to catch up with Blip tonight and tomorrow.

Still got very low energy, fatigue and gum ache/toothache but grateful that my fibromyalgia pain has been lesser today. 

I’m nursing the gum/tooth woes with Bonjela, hopefully I can get to the dentist soon xx

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