Well yesterday’s Parma Violets divided opinion.
As far as I can see of those who expressed a preference 19 agreed with me they’re horrible, 11 like them , one, seems not to like them but would eat them anyway. ( Fitzbilly trust you to be awkward).
The 16 others either, unbelievably , couldn’t remember them or abstained, or liked them as a child but wouldn’t eat them now.
If these results were reflected in a General Election the Parma Violet haters would be the first past the post but without an overall majority. There’d be a lot of arguing over policy concerning sugary tooth rotting goods, and I, as Prime Minister having trashed the confectionery industry, would throw in the towel after a few weeks and toddle off into the sunset.
Oh yes. We went to Batsford today. It was great. We spent most of the time in the cafe eating and talking. Then we scuttled out between rain showers to take some photos and again completely failed to get a group picture. Then we bought stuff, then we went home. Perfect.
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