No such thing as bad weather

Only different types of light ...

Several blippers and partners were very kind today and didn't blame me for dragging them out into the rain, perhaps they realised this is my 3000th blip ... I had forgotten!

We met up at Batsford Arboretum, had the place to ourselves for around an hour, and managed several photos of damp leaves. When the sun did peek through any breaks in the cloud the light was really quite good. 

I have chosen these maple leaves for my main blip and montaged a few others together as an extra.  We saw plenty of good autumn colour,  some varied fungi and, as is usual on these blipmeets, ate cake.

Links to the others blips:
Chrispybox  group photo in the extra too.

Given that we all managed to turn up on time & prepared for the conditions,  didn't make a fuss, decided on a plan, and just got on with it ... perhaps we should offer to run the country?

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