A Bright Idea

On This Day In History
1879: Thomas Edison's first lightbulb is made

Quote Of The Day
"I haven't failed - I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
(Thomas Edison)

Today marked the end of what has been an incredibly enjoyable first half-term back at school. This afternoon we had the Years 1-6 Poetry Recital, in which each class recited and performed one poem which they had learned off-by-heart. I was proud of my Year Fours, and every class was wonderful. 

This year, one of the Japanese language teachers had the bright idea of getting her pupils to write a haiku about a past or present teacher at our school. Today's blip is the haiku that was written about me; I was incredibly touched when the Year Six child who wrote this read it out.


Ruinton-sensei wa ........
Yasashikute, reigi-tadashiku majimena hito
Fashion-sensu-ga batsugunde
Ku-ru na nekutai niatteru.

Mr. Lewington is a warm and good-hearted teacher,
But he is cool,
Wearing fashionable shirts and stylish ties.

Children are such a treasure.

So Hip It Hurts

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