
By pipnat51

Love Me Do

Can't help myself blipping this as a response to the Parma Violets that Technophobe blipped a few days ago. I think that they are made by the same company.

We all remember these don't we? Well Jayne bought home two small packets of them on Wednesday and I went all woozy just as I would have done in my younger days if I can remember that far back. lol.

Well what a day as it's rained on and off here since mid-morning, very heavy at times and it's dark enough now to have to put the lights on! I didn't venture out as planned in case I got caught in a deluge but we are off to see one of my sisters later as it's her birthday. Hopefully there will be a cake involved.

The weekends almost here so please everyone do have a good one and thanks again for all the comments, stars, and hearts , you're so very kind x

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