Place: St Pete Beach, FL 59/74
Main activity: Fri - errands, roof scan
Notes: Awake again 4a. Waited until 6a and went for a run - still completely dark ... chilly and breezy. Hot shower and tried to go back to sleep around 745a but no go. Around 830a, returns dropped at UPS Store. Feet cold so back to get tennis shoes and then downtown for TJs again to exchange coffee (somehow picked up decaf!) and bought another handful of stuff. Tried pool early afternoon but too chilly and windy. Also tried for nap on couch but dogs and people downstairs barking and slamming doors constantly - am really over the noise! Joe picked me up 5p for our roof scan job in Tampa - this is sunset looking at downtown from the top of the GTE Building. Got back just after 1030p.

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